MIL-DTL-5096 Manuals, Technical- Inspection And Maintenance Requirements; Acceptance And Functional Check Flight Procedures And Checklists; Inspection Work Cards; And Checklists; Preparation OfThis detail specification covers the requirements for the preparation of inspection and maintenance requirements \(-6\) manuals, acceptance and functional check flight procedures \(-6CF\) manuals, functional check flight \(-6CL\) checklists, and inspection \(-6WC\) work cards. This detail specification also covers the general requirements for all checklists, and specific requirements for maintenance checklists \(as applicable to aircraft, Communication Electronic \(CE\) equipment, air/ground launched missiles, drones, support/systems equipment, rockets and electronic systems\). Some systems may require an inspection requirements manual only, or work cards only. For other systems a combination of both inspection manual and work cards may be more suitable. This specification provides for electronic delivery of data through the use of the Document Type Definitions \(DTD\) listed in Appendixes A through F. \(Appendix E has been deleted.\)