reflects the experience derived from a significantly greater number of aircraft than those operated
by the Naval Service alone, some Naval aircraft communities have opted to use the commercial-
ly-available publications in lieu of expending the resources necessary to maintain a separate set of
NATOPS publication. CDA NATOPS flight manuals are organized in the traditional NFM format
and contained only the information not found in the commercially available OEM flight manuals
and checklist publications. Each part and chapter in a CDA NFM either contains the information
found in a traditional NFM or points to the OEM publication that contains it. As a result, a CDA
NFM contains a relatively small number of pages and is a relative shell when compared to the
number of pages it would have as a standalone NFM. The procuring activity (program office) is
responsible for maintaining access to current OEM publications for the aircraft community
throughout the life cycle of the aircraft if a CDA NFM is used.
1.4.2 NATOPS checklist publications. A NATOPS aircraft checklist publication contains
information that is extracted directly from the related NATOPS flight manual and normally
placed in the checklist in an abbreviated form. NATOPS pocket checklists. A NATOPS aircraft pocket checklist (pilot, aircrew or
as specified), published in handbook form, contains normal procedures, emergency procedures,
special procedures, and reference data for use in aircraft in which a NATOPS aircraft flight
manual cannot be carried and readily used in the cockpit. NATOPS card checklist. A NATOPS aircraft card checklist, normally published on
a one-sheet card, contains normal and emergency procedures for use in aircraft in which a
NATOPS flight manual can be carried and readily used in the cockpit. NATOPS servicing checklist. A NATOPS aircraft servicing checklist contains
servicing information in handbook form from the aircraft NATOPS flight manual or maintenance
publications for use by the aircrew in servicing the aircraft for flight at locations away from the
home base. NATOPS functional checkflight checklist. A NATOPS aircraft functional check-
flight checklist is published in index card form for reference and one-time use in recording
aircraft flight data during a functional checkflight.
1.4.3 Other NATOPS products. Other published NATOPS products that contain information
extracted from the relative aircraft NATOPS flight manual include: NATOPS ditching and bailout placards. NATOPS aircraft ditching and bailout
placards comprise a set of adhesive-backed placards for posting in the aircraft. Each placard is
posted at a crew station and provides parachute location, raft location, evacuation route, and
responsibilities during a ditching or bailout situation for the aircrewman at that particular station. NATOPS takeoff and landing data cards. NATOPS aircraft takeoff and landing data
(TOLD) cards are a set of reference cards that contain precalculated runway distance and
airspeed requirements for selected takeoff or landing weights and configurations. TOLD cards
are referred to by the pilots to determine airspeed and runway length requirements for the current
ambient conditions. NATOPS passenger information card. A NATOPS aircraft passenger information
card contains information for use by passengers during aircraft emergency situations.
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