Repair procedure index - list of all procedures contained in the chapter, listed in the order in which
they appear and formatted in accordance with Figure 9. Procedures authorized for training and listed in
Appendix E of the TM shall be boxed in. Section II, ( ). This section and each subsequent section in the chapter shall be titled to
represent the repair item covered therein. The format and content of this section shall be as follows:
General - remarks concerning general nature and causes related to the damage and repair of the
item. These remarks shall be brief.
(Item name, trouble) - item name and the trouble shall be used as the paragraph side head. The
side head shall be followed with a general statement(s) concerning the particular type of trouble and repair to
be made. Statement(s) shall be brief and as concise as possible. Subparagraphs shall be as follows:
(1) Limitations - this statement(s) shall identify the limits that would be imposed on the
equipment/end item, in relation to operational capability, if the fix that follows is performed.
(2) Personnel/time required - the number of personnel and time required to accomplish the fix
shall be listed as follows:
1 soldier - 1.0 hrs (express time in decimal point hours to the nearest one-tenth hour).
(3) Materials/tools - list of materials and tools (peculiar) needed to make the BDAR fix.
Following each item listed shall be a reference (in parenthesis) to that item number and appendix (e.g.,
"hose, (item 4, appx c))." Reference to tools shall reference instructions for tool fabrication when
applicable. Any other necessary information (such as quantities and sizes) shall be provided.
(4) Procedural steps - each step shall be listed numerically and placed in the sequential order in
which it will be performed. Steps shall be as prescribed in 3.6. The last procedural step for every BDAR fix
shall be: "Record BDAR action taken. When mission is complete, as soon as practical, repair the
equipment/system using standard maintenance procedures."
Options - more than one method of making the same repair/fix. Options shall be listed in order of
effectiveness and listed consecutively as option 1, option 2, etc. Each option provided under the item
name/trouble paragraph side head (b. above) shall contain subparagraphs: Limitations, Personnel/time
required, Materials/tools, and Procedural steps. Alternatives that do not include fixes shall also be listed as
(Item name, category) - when the basic item, identified in the section title, is divided into categories
or types, each specific item shall be titled and covered within a separate paragraph. Each of these
paragraphs shall contain only the information that applies to that specific item. For example: Information
or procedures under a heading "high pressure" shall pertain to high pressure; low pressure
information/procedures (if applicable) shall appear under the heading, "low pressure." Section III, IV, V, etc. ( ). The total number of sections required for chapter 3 shall be
determined by the nature and complexity of the end item. The format and content for these sections shall be
as specified in
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