e. Preface cards (does not include title card or "A" card or TPDR card) shall be
consecutively numbered using lower case Roman numerals.
f. Task cards within each phase shall be grouped alphabetically by rating or numerically by
MOS. They shall be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals preceded by the appropriate
phase designator, i.e., A-1, A-2 or B-1, B-1.1, B-1.2, etc. Prime cards shall be sequenced
using integers, i.e., A-1, A-2, A-3, etc. Decimal cards, where required, shall use decimal
suffixes, i.e., A-1.1, A-1.2 or B-2.1, B-2.2, B-2.3, etc. The word "Continued" shall be
printed in the lower right corner of the card to indicate that the task continues to a
successive decimal card. The words "End of card" shall be printed in the lower right
corner of the card to indicate that the task requirements have been completed and that no
decimal card follows. A prime card shall not be printed on the reverse side of a decimal
card but shall be established on a new card. Blank card faces generated by this restriction
shall not be numbered. The words "(card (card number) Blank)" shall be printed in the
lower right corner of a card to indicate that the succeeding card face is blank.
3.4.5 QECA PMRM (numbering). Engine cards shall be numbered as outlined in 3.4.3.
Consecutive hundred series cards shall be assigned to each QEC required. If the engine cards are
numbered 1 through 69, for example, the QEC cards applicable to the first airframe would be
numbered starting with 101, the QEC cards applicable to the second airframe would be numbered
starting with 201, etc.
3.4.6 ALSS PMRM (numbering). Cards shall be numbered as outlined in 3.4.3 with the
following exception. Each type of equipment being inspected shall be assigned consecutive
hundred series cards. For example, the LR-1 life raft would be assigned task card numbers 101-
199; the LRU-12/A (MK-4) life raft would be assigned task card numbers 201-299, etc.
3.4.7 Aircraft PSE PMRM (numbering). Cards shall be numbered as outlined in 3.4.3 with
the following exception. Each piece or group of peculiar SE being inspected shall be assigned
consecutive hundred series cards. For example, the AV 57-213, AV 57-214, and AV 57-217
wedges are a group of PSE and would be assigned task card numbers 101-199.
3.4.8 Added cards. When a new card is added to an existing PMRM, the new card shall be
identified by using the appropriate existing card number plus an alphabetical suffix. For example,
new cards inserted between task cards, 12.1 and 12.2 would be identified as 12.1A, 12.1B, 12.1C,
etc. Similarly, a new primary card added between cards 15 and 16 would be identified as card
15A. When cards are added to preface cards (introduction), the added preface card(s) shall be
identified by using the appropriate Roman numeral plus an alphabetical suffix.
3.4.9 Deleted cards. When card number continuity is broken by deletion of a card, a
statement indicating the deletion shall be placed in the bottom margin of the preceding card, for
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