each inspection, each entry must be worded exactly the same. Further, the man-minute data, when included,
shall also be identical. When magnetic particle, X-ray, or luorescent penetrant inspection is required, a
statement to this effect shall be included as a part of the requirement. In no case shall the statement of an
inspection requirement explain procedures for removal of equipment or correction of trouble found as the
result of inspection. The following type items shall not be included in the inspection requirements:
a. Luxury items that do no harm if they fail.
b. Items of a housekeeping nature.
c. Checking for continuance of a static condition. Inspection requirements. Inspection requirements shall be presented in the following format.
Instructions for entries to each column follow:
Periodic/Special Inspection Requirements
Type of Inspection
Special Inspection requirements column. Each inspection requirement shall be clearly and concisely
stated and shall identify exactly what condition is to be sought. The inspection requirements shall be grouped
according to system, subsystem, end items or similar functional categories. The applicable system nomenclature
and code number (two digit; i.e., System 11, 23, 56, BA, MA) shall be entered preceding each group.
a. Preparation steps and special tools shall not be shown. This requirement is contained in the WP,
technical manual or checklist that is referenced for each inspection requirement.
b. Each inspection requirement entry shall reference the WP, technical manual or checklist that
covers the requirement, as applicable. Type of inspection column.
Each type of inspection column shall be completed as follows:
a. Periodic. The interval of time shall be placed opposite each applicable inspection requirement in
the "Periodic" Column. The basic time interval shall be established by the acquiring activity.
Special. In the "Special" Column, the condition or circumstance governing each applicable
requirement shall be inserted. All special inspections shall be event oriented only. Applicability column. This WP may apply to all models of a certain series and may, therefore,
contain inspection requirements that are not applicable to the speciic equipment coniguration to be
inspected. When this situation is encountered, only those requirements that are applicable, as indicated by
the Applicability Column, should be accomplished. Entries made in the column shall show the applicable
model or, when applicable, by Air Force Base (i.e. VAFB, DMAFB, LAFB). Man-minutes column.
The time in man-minutes required to accomplish each inspection
requirement shall be entered. Visual inspection. When applicable, procedures shall be prepared for visual, external inspection of
the equipment. The information shall include purpose and conditions under which the inspections will be
made. Equipment limits and speciic information for interpretation of the equipment condition shall be given. Sampling inspection. When applicable, certain inspections may contain procedures using sampling
procedures; inspections shall consist of the usual inspections for defects, and other mechanical and electrical
tests, as applicable. Defects shall be separated into critical defects, major defects, and minor defects.
The inspection requirement shall also contain the number of allowable defects, how to handle and
dispose of rejected items, and sampling charts. Nondestructive Inspection (NDI). Unless covered in a separate manual, requirements for special
nondestructive-type inspections, such as borescope, radiographic, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, eddy-current,
X-ray, or liquid penetrant, shall be speciied (see Appendix F).
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