I. Classiication of visual defects tables. A classiication of visual defects table shall be included.
The classiication of visual defects table shall identify inspection requirements by component and work unit
code (WUC), inspection, defect classiication (critical, major, or minor), how malfunctioned (How Mal), and
corrective action to be taken to correct the defect or discrepancy. The table shall be arranged as follows:
Component (WUC)
Inspection (Inspect for
Defect Classiication
Corrective Action
the following defects)
(How Mal)
I. Humidity indicator inspection cycle. If required by the acquiring activity, a humidity indicator
inspection cycle table shall be provided in the following format (see I.6.2). The following note shall be
added to the humidity indicator inspection cycle table:
The local environment for each location shall be determined using TO
1-1-691. High humidity is listed as very severe/severe, medium humidity
as moderate, and low humidity as mild.
Humidity Indicator Inspection Cycle (Months)
High Humidity
Medium Humidity
Low Humidity
Inside Storage
Outside Storage
I. Inspection evaluation. Inspection evaluation criteria shall be presented. Criteria in TO 11A-1-10
shall be used as a guideline or reference to TO 11A-1-10 shall be made.
I. Instructions for disposition of rejected items. This paragraph shall present the disposition
instructions for end items/components that have been rejected. This paragraph shall contain a reference to
AFI 21-202 for the disposition of nonrepairable items.
I. Inspection - components SWPs. These SWPs shall include the information required by I.3.5.5.
Inspection SWPs shall be provided for sections, major components, training munitions or differing
conigurations, as applicable.
I.3.5.6 Unpacking and Packaging WP (WP 060 00).
This WP shall contain the following information
applicable to the end items:
I. Unpacking. These instructions shall include procedures for uncrating, opening special containers,
removing items, and handling of packing materials. Procedures for disposition of empty reusable containers
shall be included. Procedures for unpacking items packaged in simple hermetically-sealed containers or
simple one-time use containers need not be included. Include instructions for marking containers when
shelf/service life is affected by unpacking. The following paragraph shall be included: "The safety
requirements of AFMAN 91-201 shall be followed when unpacking. Before opening a container, ensure
that all markings are legible. Record markings that may be destroyed by opening the container. Retain
serviceable packing for possible reuse."
I. Packaging. A description and illustration of the original shipping and storage containers for the
service (end) item, training/dummy item, and major components shall be provided (as applicable). Special
Packaging Instructions/Transportation Packaging Orders (SPI/TPO) shall be used as the source document.
This paragraph shall contain, at minimum, the following:
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