d. Forward and aft loading vehicle projection limits.
e. Vehicle critical dimensions.
f. Ramp crest heights and crest limits.
g. Parking overhang clearance limits.
h. Loading overhang limits.
i. Cargo compartment plan view. Structural considerations. Loading limitations based on the weight of the cargo, loor limits and
compartment loads, shall be identiied by the use of explanatory text, charts, and graphs, including but
not limited to, the following:
a. Cargo weight and cargo loor limitations.
b. Typical cargo loading within loor loading limitations.
c. Forward and aft cargo ramp on/off-loading limitations.
d. Cargo maximum allowable lateral CG location.
e. Concentrated loor loads.
f. Concentrated loor loads with rubber and non-rubber contact area.
g. Maximum allowable loor loads for hard rubber, steel wheels, or track pads.
h. Maximum allowable loor loads for concentrated cargo located over restricted areas.
i. On/off-loading maximum allowable loads. Shoring requirements. Shoring requirements that may be needed for loading concentrated loads
to protect the ramp and cargo shall be identiied by the use of explanatory text, charts and graphs,
including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Shoring materials.
b. Shoring for weight distribution.
c. Rolling, parking, and sleeper shoring.
d. Calculation of required shoring for concentrated loads. Roller conveyor limits. Logistics and Aerial Delivery System (ADS) conveyor limits shall be
identiied by the use of explanatory text, charts, and graphs to identify unit weight and CG location, contact
points on roller conveyors, length of roller conveyors, and roller load factors.
3.2.6 Chapter 5 � Emergency procedures. This chapter shall contain all ground preparations required for
cargo emergency procedures. It shall include, ground preparation for emergency in-light jettison of cargo
loaded on pallets, ADS cargo loaded on airdrop platforms, nuclear weapon cargo, and reference to the
applicable service directives pertaining to hazardous cargo. Unless otherwise speciied by the acquiring
activity (see 6.2), this chapter shall have the following arrangement:
a. Emergency procedures.
b. Prelight and postlight emergency procedures.
c. Inlight jettison procedures.
3.2.7 Chapter 6 � Speciic procedures. This chapter shall contain speciic instructions for preloading,
loading, restraining, postloading, prelight, special handling, and off-loading procedures for all cargo which,
due to physical characteristics, prevents it from being classiied as general cargo (see 6.4.1). Instructions,
listed in proper sequence, shall be provided for preparation of the item for loading and safe restraint of the
load item, or combination of items. This chapter shall be so arranged that the instructions for each item
of outsized cargo are divided into separate sections to enable deletion, if necessary, or addition of new
material without affecting other major sections of the manual. Each item covered shall include a general
description paragraph and an identiication line drawing. Text may reference appropriate paragraphs in
Chapters 3 and 4 for applicable coniguration and general procedures.
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