in the Safety Summary in the front
procedures shall be written for
matter of the manual. Consequently,
personnel who ready and maintain
they must be complete in and of
ordnance equipments for service use.
themselves so as to be able to stand Approach. The procedures
apart from the procedures. An ex-
ample of properly and poorly worded
shall be presented in a chronological,
warnings appears as Figure 3-11.
step-by-step manner.
A caution, preceding the step to which Detailed Specifications..
it applies, alerts the user to an equip-
ment hazard. A note, normally fol-
The following paragraphs present
lowing the step to which it applies,
the details for preparation of the
serves to highlight an operating
procedural material.
procedure or condition. Cautions
3, Primary Requirements.
and notes are not listed or sum-
marized in the procedural or any
The following are primary require -
other portion of the manual.
ments applicable to all unit opera-
tions. An example of a unit opera- Troubleshooting Infor-
tion with all its component parts is
mation. Limited trouble shooting in-
provided as Figure 3-10.
formation may be presented in ap- Job Description. Each
propriate portions of the procedures.
An example of such information would
unit operation shall have an intro-
be a table of test set switch functions
ductory paragraph summarizing the
or partial equipment schematic wiring
procedures performed.
diagrams. Materials Required. Types of Procedures.
All materials required to complete
The following paragraphs de scribe
the unit operation shall be listed.
the various types of procedural
The se materials shall be grouped
by type, such as components, tools,
handling equipment, test equipment, Subassembly. The
and bulk materials. References
logistics of equipment assembly
shall be made to appropriate tool
often requires the subassembly of
procurement documents.
units in areas removed from the
main assembly location. Examples Procedures. Proce-
of such separated areas are "clean
dures shall be written in the im-
rooms" and explosive equipment
perative mood. They shall be clear
assembly areas. Modern assembly
and concise, and presented in a
line techniques also dictate the sub-
numbered, chronological sequence.
assembly of modules prior to the
Each step in the procedures should
assembly of a complete unit.
present one thought; that is to say,
steps should not be grouped together. Assembly. The assembly
3.4.2 .5.1.4 Warnings, Cautions,
procedures cover those operations
and Notes. Warnings, cautions, and
required to bring the equipment to the
"ready" configuration. In the ready
notes shall be inserted in the pro -
configuration, the equipment may be
cedures where applicable. A warn-
stored with only those items removed
ing, preceding the step to which it
as required by safety or security
applies, alerts the user to a person-
nel hazard. All warnings are listed
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