The Instruction Sheets are
6.1 Two Part Manual Concept. To
d. The job description paragraph,
faciilitate ease of handling by Fleet
titled in the unit operation, is
personnel, an assembly and test man-
ual may be prepared in two parts due
titled in the Instruction Sheet.
to such reasons as physical size of
e. The materials required para-
the manual or complexity of the weap-
on. Part 1, a reference manual,
graph, untitled in the unit operation,
is titled in the Instruction Sheet.
would include all introductory and de-
scriptive material; Part 2, a proce-
f. In the Instruction Sheet, the
dural document, the procedural intro-
isting of materials is divided into
duction and all procedures.
Components, Tools, Bulk Materials,
part format is elected, the manual
etc., and each division is titled.
shall be physically prepared in two
volumes to facilitate stocking and
g. The Instruction Sheet has a
line dividing the introductory ma-
terial from the procedures.
6.1.1 Two Part Manual Format.
The procedural introduction is that
h. The procedures are so titled
which is described in paragraph
3.4.1. The check-off sheet and the
in the Instruction Sheet but not in the
assembly record become appendicies
unit operation.
to Part 2. All procedures are pre-
i. Each Instruction Sheet starts
pared in Instruction Sheet format.
on page 1.
6.1.2 Instruction Sheets. An In-
j. The first illustration of each
struction Sheet is a removable pamph-
let of procedural instructions. The
Instruction Sheet is designated
individual pamphlet has no cover and
Figure 1; the first table, Table 1.
is kept intact by staples through the
k. The Instruction Sheet code
center fold of all sheets for each set
of instructions. The Instruction
appears at the top of each page of
Sheets are verbatim repetitions of
the Instruction Sheet.
the material that would be contained
in the unit operations. The Unit Format Similarities. The
Operation of Figure 3-10 is presen-
following similarities exist.
ted in Instruction Sheet format in
Figure 6-1.
a. The job description paragraphs
are identical except where figure or Format Differences. The
table references exist.
following format differences between
unit operations and Instruction Sheets
b. The materials required listed
are identical.
a. The unit operation title is the
The procedures are identical.
Instruction Sheet title.
d. The Instruction Sheets and the
b. The Instruction Sheets have
unit operations contain the same
the weapon designation indicated.
warnings, cautions, and notes.
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