is primarily applicable to complex
functional description and subsequent
hardware such as guided missiles;
procedural information. The physical
for this type of equipment, the first
description portion is also widely
divisions could be the rocket motor,
used to supplement training and,
the guidance section, and the warhead
therefore, should be prepared with
the student in mind. The functional position Detailed Specifications.
approach also proceeds in a break-
The following paragraphs present
down fashion. However, the equip-
the detailed specifications for
ment is divided according to its func-
preparation of physical descriptions.
tional systems, such as hydraulic, Equipment Descriptions.
electrical, etc.; these systems are
then subdivided down to the component
The following areas of consideration
level. In many instances, the physical
shall be reflected in the equipment
description portion of the manual is
best presented by a combination of the
physical location and functional posi- Organization. The
tion approaches. For instance, a mis-
physical description portion of the
sile might first be broken down by
manual is primarily a collection of
physical arrangement into the rocket
component descriptions. As men-
motor, guidance section, and warhead
tioned previously, three approaches
section; then, the guidance section
are commonly used for these de-
could be further broken down into its
scriptions: alphabetical listing,
functional systems such as the guidance
physical location, and functional
system and the power supply system,
etc. Alphabetical Listing. Stockpile Components
The alphabetical listing is commonly
Philosophy. In component descrip-
used for types of equipment such as
tions, consideration must be given
mines or torpedoes, where the equip-
to whether or not a component, e.g.,
ment is a member of a family and
control boxes, arming devices, firing
each member has its own manual. In
mechanisms, is a stockpile item and
such cases, the reader is usually
covered in a component manual. Such
familiar with the general structure
consideration will affect the depth of
of the family, and is concerned with
that component description. A com-
the specific components of the equip-
ponent covered in a separate manual
ment, especially those which make it
will be treated briefly and slanted
differ with other members of the
toward its function in the weapon. A
component that is peculiar to the
weapon and is not described in a Physical Location. In
component manual will be described
the physical location approach, the
in the same detail as a component
description begins with an overall
in a component manual.
presentation of the equipment, then
proceeds to major divisions thereof, Maintenance/Spares
to subdivisions, and on down to com-
Philosophy. The level of description
ponents in a break-down sequence
is usually determined by the mainte-
according to the physical arrangement
nance/spares philosophy of the subject.
of the equipment parts. This approach
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