3.5 Lubrication procedures. Lubrication procedures shall be prepared and shall include all
applications, procedures, authorized lubricants, intervals, man-hour requirements, lubrication
points, and AOAP requirements. Unless otherwise specified by the contracting activity, the
lubrication procedures shall be presented in grouped sequence by interval so as to enable the user
to receive, lubricate, and return to an acceptable performance standard all components of the
equipment in a minimum of time with the skills, tools, test equipment, and spare parts authorized
by the Logistics Management Information (LMI) or the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC).
Unless otherwise specified by the contracting activity, lubrication procedures shall be based
upon the principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) logic.
3.5.1 Warnings, cautions, and notes. Warnings, cautions, and notes shall be applied in
accordance with MIL-STD-40051-2.
3.5.2 Illustrations. Illustrations shall be used to show the location of grease fittings, and when
applicable, shall indicate the number of grease points. A minimum number shall be used.
3.5.3 Multiple illustrations. When it is necessary to provide a multiple number of illustrations to
show separate component parts, each illustration shall have an individual title.
3.5.4 Maintenance level. The lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform the task shown
shall be identified. The applicable maintenance level symbol shall be shown in parentheses after
the task. Maintenance levels to be used, as applicable, are the following:
TABLE II. Maintenance Levels.
Maintenance Level
Service or Aviation
Maintenance Company (AMC)
Field or Aviation Support
Battalion (ASB)
Below Depot
Specialized Repair Activity or
Theater Aviation Support
Maintenance Group (TASMG)
3.5.5 Grouped lubrication points. When grouped lubrication points require the same lubricant at
the same interval, the type and number of points shall be identified and described by one of the
following methods:
a. Multi-headed arrows. Multi-headed, solid-shafted arrows shall point to each of the
lubrication points (see FIGURE 3).
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