the initial acceptance criteria as well as item/equipment performance for the duration of the warranty. When
acceptance criteria and continued performance criteria differ, they shall be clearly identified.
3.3.8 Nullification. This paragraph shall identify any action taken by the Government that may nullify
the warranty such as: certain maintenance/repair, improper use or operation, abuse (see 6.4.1), improper
environmental exposure, and method of installation. The nullification actions identified shall be specific
enough to avoid misunderstanding. Also, actions that must be taken to keep the warranty in effect or prevent
the warranty from becoming void shall be provided or referenced in this paragraph. Abuse determination. This paragraph shall state what action shall be taken, and by whom, when
abuse is not obvious, but suspected. This action shall indicate the responsibility of both the warranty
contractor and the Government in making a determination as to whether or not abuse has taken place. When
abuse is determined, the action required to keep the item functional shall be stated.
3.3.9 Claim procedures. This paragraph shall include all procedures necessary to process claims and
shall identify who shall perform these procedures. As a minimum, these procedures shall include the
functions identified in through and identify the command hot line (DSN or commercial).
Reference shall be made to DA Pam 738-750, Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance
Management System (TAMMS). Identification of failed items. This paragraph shall state that failed warranty items shall be
tagged/identified to prevent improper repair or use. Documents that describe the use of DA Form 2402,
Exchange Tag (figure 4), and DA Form 2407/5504, Maintenance Request (figures 5 and 6), shall be
referenced. Items requiring special handling, storage, or shipment during the processing of claims shall be
identified. Disposition. This paragraph shall include procedures for handling, repair, and evacuation of
failed warranty items. These procedures shall identify who will do what, when, and where. Procedures shall
include documentation required and how to document or refer to instructions for completion of
False returns. An explanation shall be provided to warn that when items returned to the contractor
for repair are found to be serviceable, the submitting Government unit will be penalized (cost, loss of time,
nonavailability of item, etc.) Also, a statement shall be made that false returns will be monitored by the
responsible activity (usually the commodity command).
Receipts/verification of contractor repairs. Instructions shall include actions to be taken, and by
whom, when contractors repair and return a warranty item. Instructions shall include, but not be limited to,
procedures for recording and reporting the action and verification of repair.
Special area requirements. When limitations exist and adjustments or changes are required at
different commands, theaters, or locations; these conditions shall be identified. When the list of these
exceptional conditions is extensive, it shall appear in the WTB appendix and be referenced in the text.
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